
InSpacePropulsion Technologies (ISPTech) is a Spin-Off of the Institute of Space Propulsion at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Current space propulsion systems offer either low cost or a high reliability. With our solutions – based on thousands of hot firing tests at DLR’s facilities – we can serve both worlds: offering low costs with high performance and high reliability.

Our two technologies are suitable for all spacecraft sizes and classes – ranging from cubesats to large satellites, capsules or landers. No matter, if you are a NewSpace player, a large satellite integrator or an institutional organisation, we will offer the right propulsion solution for your specific application. 

The Propellants

We offer propulsion systems based on two technologies: The self-pressurizing HyNOx and the patented, hypergolic HIP_11 propellant. Learn more about them here.

The Products

We offer cost-effective and high-performance propulsion for your mission and space craft. Extensively tested thrusters, capable systems and more.

The Team

Learn more about the founders and our motivated team – combining experience from the space industry and new ideas.


  • Easy to handle, non-toxic, green propulsion solutions
  • Solutions for NewSpace as well as the conventional space market
  • A significant decrease of thruster and propulsion system costs & lead times
  • Propulsion systems for all sizes and classes of spacecrafts – from satellites to servicing vehicles, capsules and landers

The HyNOx Thruster Family.

Extensively tested. Steady-state capable.




ISPTech offers not one, but two green propellants. The corresponding technologies are based on more than 10 years of research and development activities at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).



HyNOx is the combination of nitrous oxide (N2O) and ethane (C2H6). Both of these components are non-toxic, affordable and easily available.

The propellants are stored under saturated conditions in the tanks. They have a high vapor pressure in the relevant temperature range – enabling a simple system architecture. There is no need for a pressurant gas.

Specific impulse (vacuum)up to 300 s
Storage densityup to 700 kg/m³ for N2O
up to 300 kg/m³ for C2H6
Special featurescold-gas capable, no preheating
Suitable forsmall spacecraft
cost-driven applications

The HyNOx Thruster Family.

Extensively tested. Steady-state capable.



HIP_11 is a hypergolic propellant combination consisting of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and an ionic liquid fuel. Compared to conventional hypergolic propellants, it offers similar performance but higher density and significantly reduced hazards.

Specific impulse (vacuum)up to 310 s
Storage densityup to 1440 kg/m³ for 98% H2O2
up to 1100 kg/m³ for fuel
Special featuresno preheating, no catalyst
Suitable forlarge spacecraft
performance-driven applications



Green and hypergolic is no contradiction.


What we offer

Propulsion for every spacecraft and mission.

HyNOx Propulsion Systems

From standarized CubeSat propulsion units to tailored solutions for your spacecraft – ISPTech offers integrated propulsion systems with thrusters, tanks and control units.

HyNOx Thruster Family

Learn more about our extensively tested HyNOx thrusters – delivering high performance, precision and unlimited impulse bit.

HIP_11 Propulsion Solutions

Thrusters and propulsion systems for our unique hypergolic propellant are currently under development.

HyNOx Propulsion Systems


ISPTech develops, tests and supplies propulsion systems for every spacecraft and mission, based on its HyNOx thrusters and proprietary control unit. Propellant tanks and pressure system components are produced by a list of carefully selected suppliers.

Customizable Propulsion Systems

Included hardwareHyNOx thrusters
Propellant tanks
Feed system with sensors
Pressure relief components
Fill and drain interface
Structural mount to S/C (customized)
Electronic control unit (ECU)
InterfacesCustomized mechanical interface
Supply voltage 20-33 VDC (customizable)
Communication with ECU via CAN
ServicesThruster acceptance testing and derivation of performance models
Propulsion system integration and characterisation
System and tank condition model
Thrust classesHyNox-200 Thruster (50-400 N)
HyNOx-22 Thruster (11-44 N)
HyNOx-5 Thruster (2.5-10 N)
HyNOx-1 Thruster (0.5-2.0 N)
Cold Gas Thrusters
Impulse classCubeSat Propulsion Systems up to 5,000 Ns
Customized Propulsion Systems starting from 5,000 Ns
Performanceup to 290 s for hot gas
up to 60 s for cold gas
Temperature rangeThruster operatable for saturated fluid temperatures:
-29°C to +32°C

System survivability temperature range customizable
Propellant feedingLiquid or gaseous, depending on mission requirements.
StatusDemonstrator under testing
Customer projects ongoing

HyNOx 4U CubeSat Propulsion Module

ISPTech is currently developing a 4U CubeSat Propulsion System based on its HyNOx-1 thruster – enabling significant deltaV in a short amount of time.

Thrusters1x HyNOx-1 (0.5-2 N, Isp up to 270 s)
4x Cold / Warm Gas Thrusters
Dimensions4U (209.3 x 209.3 x 110.0 mm³)
Z-length adjustable.
Capabiltites> 4,000 Ns impulse (for standard length).
0.5-2 N thrust for rapid orbit changes
Roll, pitch and yaw control
Electronics20-33 VDC Supply Voltage
Communication via RS-485 bus (other options possible)
StatusAvailable Q3 2025
Lead Time6 months
QualificationAccording to SpaceX Falcon 9 Payload User Guide
(for rideshare missions)

HyNOx Thruster Family


HyNOx thrusters are developed based on years of research at the DLR-Institute of Space Propulsion. The development includes thousands of hot firings under atmospheric and vacuum conditions.

HyNOx-10.5 – 2 NAvailable now.
HyNOx-52.5 – 10 NDevelopment on request.
HyNOx-2211 – 44 NAvailable now.
HyNOx-200100 – 400 NAvailable from Q4 2025.


Thrust range11 – 44 Ndemonstrated in vacuum
Specific impulseup to 280 sdemonstrated in vacuum
Continous operation> 15 mindemonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Throughput> 60 kgdemonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Ignitions> 4,000demonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Minimum impulse bit< 1 Ns
< 50 ms
hot gas, demonstrated in vacuum
cold gas
Interface4x M5adjustable
Power8.5 W

17 W

for ignition

flow control valve hit, per valve

flow control valve hold, per valve
Mass< 690 gincluding flow control valves
StatusAvailable nowqualified for NewSpace customer


Thrust range1 -2 Ndemonstrated in vacuum
Specific impulseup to 270 secdemonstrated in vacuum
Continous operation> 16 mindemonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Throughput> 3.5 kgdemonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Ignitions> 13,000demonstrated in vacuum, can be increased
Minimum impulse bit< 10 mNs
< 5 mNs
hot gas, demonstrated in vacuum
cold gas, demonstrated in vacuum
Interface4x M3adjustable
Power3.4 W

6 W

0.25 W
for ignition

flow control valve hit, per valve

flow control valve hold, per valve
Mass< 60 gwithout flow control valves
StatusAvailable nowQualification ongoing


Thrust range100 – 400 Ndemonstration target
Specific impulse> 290 secdemonstration target
Statusavailable from Q4 2025in development, atmospheric testing conducted

HIP_11 Propulsion


Based on years of basic research at DLR, multiple battleship thrusters for the HIP_11 technology were developed. The current focus is the development of a 200 N HIP_11 thruster.


Meet us


Dr.-Ing. Lukas Werling

Lukas headed a rocket engine test facility and worked for more than 12 years in the field of green rocket propulsion. He has more than 9 years of experience as a group leader and project manager at DLR’s Institute of Space Propulsion

During his time at DLR he filed several patents and published more than 40 papers in the field of green rocket propulsion. 

He holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Stuttgart.

Felix Lauck

Felix has worked for more than 7 years on green propellants at DLR’s Institute of Space Propulsion.   Felix is an expert on hypergolic ignition and likes to work with hydrogen peroxide.

As PhD project he developed the novel hypergolic propellant combination HIP_11.


Julian Dobusch

Jan Witte

Marc Gritzka

Robert Rödinger

Moritz vom Schemm

Anurag Thevar

Julian Reiber

Matthias Haßler

Florian Merz

Vincent Stratmann

Moritz Schütz

Constantin Bleul

Jan Grobusch

Malte Schüttrumpf

Maximilian von Wedel

Anton Schütte

Nuraddin Isachanov

Coming soon


Green propulsion for your mission.

You are developing a spacecraft and need a green, low-cost and high-performance propulsion system? Send us an email!

ISPTech is located at one of the most advanced and largest test facilities for rocket engines in Europe: The DLR site Lampoldshausen.


InSpacePropulsion Technologies GmbH
c/o Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Im Langen Grund 1
74239 Hardthausen




+49 172 7664710

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